Friday, October 12, 2012

Updates on iPad "Mini" Launch

Lately, it's been quite on the iPad mini. This particularly due to the HYPE on the Android and Samsung. With the LAUNCHING of Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 and the RELEASE of the Android 4.1 a.k.a. Jelly Bean for Samsung Galaxy SIII, things have been pretty quite for Apple.

We talk about the rumours of the launch of iPad mini on the 10th October but it seems that the news remained as a rumour. Bit disappointed with it and it came across my mind, probably they are not going to release the "mini" this year. But surprisingly, hours after the Galaxy Note launch in Malaysia, the rumours of iPad mini arise again. And this time on scheduled on the 23rd October 2012. Although invitations and venue of the date was not announced, but it seems the industry players are aware of it.

Let's hope the event will be confirmed and the rumoured iPad "mini" 7.85" will be release at the soonest date.

Have a nice weekend..

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