While the design of the new iPad 4 looks the same as the iPad 3 which launched few months ago, Apple upgraded the its processor with the new A6X chip and implementing the lightning connector that debuted in the new iPhone 5. it is said that the new processor delivers up to 2 times the CPU and graphic performance of the A5 chip, while maintaining the same 10 hours of battery life.
The new Fourth Generation iPad also comes with the same colour as the iPad 3 and at the SAME PRICING!! The pre-order starts on the 26th October 2012 through the Apple Online Store in US, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. (Again, Malaysia was not on the 1st batch list… but i think we all expected this. :( )
For those who just got their iPad 3, probably they are cursing it now. In US, Apple was offering those new buyer of the iPad 3 to upgrade to the new iPad 4 at no additional cost. The conditions was that the must be bought less than 30 days before the announcement of iPad 4 and the condition of the iPad must be good. Not sure if Apple Malaysia will have the same offer in the future.
So guys, keep our finger crossed.
Now… I'm in dilemma on which iPad should i buy… iPad Mini or the full sized iPad 4…
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